Category: Computer

Raspberry Pi

My company uses the Raspberry Pi as the brain inside several products. It’s cheap, robust capable and reliable. I’m not aware of another more cost-effective solution to a low volume IoT implementation. To do much better you need to be making thousands of units to warrant custom hardware. Get one today and discover the utility of the Pi!

Something Different: Hardware (Ruckus WAP)

I know I usually write about video content here… but occasionally I’ll throw something else in here, just to keep it interesting. Today it’s the Ruckus R710 WAP and it’s separate Power Supply.

So… my company has started using a new WAP and it’s pretty amazing… I thought I’d let you all know you could do worse. Now I realize this is a pretty heavy duty piece of equipment. We use it in commercial applications specifically for its mesh network capability. In testing we’ve gotten over 200 users simultaneously connected to a single unit. We’ll be testing networking multiple ones together in a wireless mesh to handle many times that number in the future… so stay tuned.