Month: November 2017

Myriad Colors Phantom World

Get ready for some H-A-P-P-Y…! Myriad Colors Phantom World is probably best described as a fantasy slice of life. The main cast is one guy and four girls, but it’s not really a harem anime. There is some fan service, but it’s generally minor and only really becomes an issue in the OVA. The show follows a group in a high school club who use special abilities to protect people from “phantoms”. What they are is never fully explained, and these aren’t save the world scenarios, more like save the pet rabbits. So, there’s no heavy drama, no high stakes, no real enemies, and all that makes this show… nice. That’s right, nice. And no, that’s not a bad thing. There’s a little romance, a little action, a little drama, but mostly it’s character and happy-happy fun times.

It’s not easy to binge this whole thing. There are 14 episodes (including the OVA) and I was able to handle 4-5 at a time. That’s about a movies’ worth at a clip. Every character gets a story and the group gets several to coalesce and bond. It’s generally a good time for everyone involved. Even the group’s curmudgeon comes around and gets their happy on by the end.

So, this is a great anime if you’re recovering from the drrrrama, or want something mellow to relax to. Because it’s new it’s a bit pricey, especially for a 14 episode run. If you usually go for dramas or comedies or action or fan service, it is none of those things… but it’s so nice and fun and pleasant that it may be the thing you need between all of those things. Give it a try. I’m sure glad I did.

Raspberry Pi

My company uses the Raspberry Pi as the brain inside several products. It’s cheap, robust capable and reliable. I’m not aware of another more cost-effective solution to a low volume IoT implementation. To do much better you need to be making thousands of units to warrant custom hardware. Get one today and discover the utility of the Pi!