This weekend… the classic Princess Resurrection!

If you want it… get it NOW while there’s one copy at list!!!

It’s really too bad this is so expensive now. Looks like it’s out of print and the privateers are exploiting that fact to try to make a buck off of poor unfortunate anime fans. It’s despicable and pathetic… people who can’t do anything but exploit market idiosyncrasies are really the worst! Hopefully it’ll get a re-release from Sentai and these jerks will lose out on the money they’re hoping to squeeze out of some poor fan!

Anyway… if you’re able to borrow a copy from a rental shop or friend… do it… this is a nice little series that’s enjoyable and easy to watch. There’s a little bit of story arc, but not much of one. It’s really a monster-of-the-week series. Most of the episodes you can even watch out of order… except the early ones where they introduce the characters and some of the last which are “continued”.

I called it a “little” series, but it’s actually 26 episodes. Really it’s 24 with two extra (OVA?) episodes tacked on the end. I call it “little” not for the run length, but for the ease with which it “goes down”. The stories are pretty episodic, but not so much so that it feels like they’re repeating the same thing over and over. When I watch, I’m often struck by how quickly an episode goes by, even though it’s standard length (25 min).

The first 6 episodes introduce the main characters Hime, Flandra, Hiro and Sawawa (#1), Riza (#3), Reiri (#5) and Sherwood (#6). Once they’re established, the rest of the stories involve some or all of them to one degree or another. Some of the villains (i.e. Zeppeli) recur but since they’re pretty flat and get little development, it almost makes no difference. As already mentioned, the conclusion (episodes 23-24) are really a “two-parter”. Watch them together and in order.

Other than that… I re-watch this on occasion when I want a break from heavy stuff… it’s not really a harem anime, though it sounds like it from the cast roster… one boy, 5+ girls… but while Hiro is clearly attracted to some of the girls (Hime and Reiri in particular) they really treat him as a little boy (which he is) that they can play with (more or less). This light S & M theme is intentional as made clear from the ending song. Still it’s innocuous and entertaining and it’s clear that while the girls “abuse” Hiro, they do it out of genuine care for him.

So… in short, a very enjoyable series when you want something that you can easily pick up and put down for a brief escape. It’s a shame the out of print status has driven the price up so much. Let’s hope for a re-release or rescue.