Today: Monster Musume… or Everyday Life with Monster Girls… 

So… this is new, and I just received it and decided to sit down and try it out this weekend. I have to say I enjoyed it very much. It’s fun and light and easy to watch, making it perfect to pop on and forget about the crazy stuff going on in the real world for a while.

I have to warn you… it’s very heavy on the fan service. This is a full on harem slice of life anime with a single male (lead). The rest of the cast is female and while they are “monster girls” (meaning they are part human mythical creatures) the focus is entirely on their familiar female anatomy.

There’s a lot of great anime without fan service (or where it’s minimized)… but when I’m in a dark mood… this sort of thing helps me escape from reality very effectively… so, sorry that that’s been the subject of the last several posts. Anyway…

The lead is not clueless (like Natsuru from Kampfer or most other harem leads) and there’s no “mission” or overarching story line… it really is a slice of life comedy where the main focus (plot-wise) is on demi-humans trying to live ordinary lives in the human world, and what they have to deal with to effectively succeed at that task.

I’m not sure if this will stand the test of time… In 10 years will I be re-watching it every 6-12 months? I don’t know… probably not, but I’ll probably re-watch it multiple times in that time period. I’m glad I added it to my collection and certainly don’t regret the purchase.