Today, I have something a little different… an old anime I re-watch from time to time: Tokko. Unfortunately like so many older anime, this one is out of print and the privateers are out to take advantage of younger fans that didn’t have the opportunity to buy this when it first was released. It’s a short (13 episode) series that has a sort-of conclusion that isn’t very satisfying, but at least it’s not a cliff-hanger or something. It looks like they were planning to go further and ran out of money or time (due to bad planning). In fact, the story is very smooth and fluid for the first 8-10 episodes and suddenly gets jerky… as if they were planning a 26 episode run and were told 8 episodes in they were only getting 13.

It’s a classic demon fighting anime about a special police unit that combats demons from another dimension. What makes it a little different is the political machinations. There’s more than just the demons and fighters, there are a few other groups moving around in the shadows as well. Unfortunately the anime doesn’t get too deeply into most of them, but their presence and implied impact on the story adds a dimension a simpler plot line would not be able to realize.

Still it’s a good series. The setup is pretty good and the characters are pretty interesting. I’ll be honest, it’s not worth what people are asking for it new… but it is worth $20… for sure… which seems to be the used price. If you can get it for under $20… and you like some gory demon fight scenes and violence mixed in with a bit of mystery… give it a go!