What the heck? A Hollywood movie that’s actually good?
Wait, it’s a DC superhero movie… are you serious? YES…

A bunch of people did something right! It may never happen again in our lifetimes, so you should probably check this one out… because I predict the future is gonna be mostly wasted opportunities and broken dreams 😉 Anyway, 2017’s Wonder Woman is actually a very good movie, and for a superhero movie it’s flat out excellent (yes the bar is lower for those).

I’ll admit… it’s a bit long (140 minutes) and the middle third drags a bit, and there is one fight scene where the CG is uncharacteristically bad for a movie of this caliber (mo-cap people, MO-CAP), but this is definitely DC’s best superhero movie where the hero (heroine) actually has super powers… and that’s saying a lot. Frankly, this is not just good for DC… it’s good across the board, easily outshining many of Marvel’s competition…. but to be fair, I want to give a little credit to the movie that made this one possible… the movie only the die hard fans and nerds of the world bought… if you love this movie, you can thank us for buying it’s predecessor by buying that as well…

That’s right, I’m talking about Wonder Woman. 

Almost 10 years ago now, Warner Brothers Animation… you know, the only animation company that makes superhero movies that also appeal to adults, test-flew a Wonder Woman origin movie… and it was excellent. If it hadn’t been for this movie, we probably wouldn’t have gotten this year’s live-action juggernaut. Of course, the story is different, even though they’re both origin stories… we all know by now that comic books and everything that derives from them re-write their own histories as frequently as the rest of us change our underwear… for the convenience of the producers and to get some re-telling value (how many times can we see the same story before we get bored? Don’t answer that Spiderman!) Anyway, if you enjoy (or enjoyed) 2017’s Wonder Woman, and you’re willing to watch animation (I know too many adults sadly are not) you owe it to yourself to give this a shot… If you haven’t seen an animated movie since your childhood (excluding the Disney stuff you absorbed through osmosis because your kid watches them on a loop) I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.