Just some thoughts about DVD vs Blu-ray. DVD came out around 1995… Blu-ray around 2003. Thankfully they use the same form factor, so most Blu-ray (BD) players can also play DVDs. This has allowed DVDs to remain a vital part of the video industry, especially since the DVD manufacturing process reached maturity long ago now, and making DVDs remains an affordable way to distribute low-volume content.

When I buy any video content, if it’s only available in one format… that’s what I buy (of course). Otherwise…

When I buy anime content I use the following guidelines:

  1. If it’s dual format (DVD + BD) for a 10% or less premium, I buy the dual format.
  2. If it’s available as both separately, I buy the cheaper one unless it’s a special title. Special titles include CG movies (where a BD version would benefit appreciably) and special editions where it looks like the higher definition of BD will actually matter.

When I buy TV content I use the following guidelines:

  1. If it’s an older series (pre-HD) I buy the DVD.
  2. If it’s a newer series (post-HD) and it’s available as both separately, I buy the cheaper one.

When I buy Movie content I use the following guidelines:

  1. If it’s an older movie (pre-2000) I buy the DVD unless it’s been remastered.
  2. If it’s a newer movie (post-2000) or been thoroughly remastered I follow rule 2 above.
  3. If it’s a special movie (special anniversary release or the like) especially if I already have a DVD copy, I’ll buy the BD.

Hope that helps.